Conquering Diseases

Study Of Covid Vaccination For People With Blood Cancer


Seeking men and women who have had stem cell transplant or cellular therapy for their blood cancer for a study of a COVID-19 vaccine.


Participants in this study will be randomly assigned to receive 2 doses of either the experimental vaccine or an mRNA COVID vaccine 28 days apart. There will be 7-10 study visits over 1 year. Three of these visits may take up to 2.5 hours. The remining visits would be 15-30 minutes long.

What we're hoping for

We are studying whether an experimental COVID-19 vaccine is better, the same, or worse than an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for people who have had stem cell transplant or cellular therapy for their blood cancer

Additional Information Identifier: NCT04977024

 Principal Investigator

Jennifer  Wang, MD

UMass Memorial Health

 Study Contact

Melissa  Adams



UMass Chan University Campus

55 Lake Ave North 

Worcester,MA 01655
