Conquering Diseases

Multi-Periscopic Prism Glasses For Homonymous Hemianopia


Seeking people who have experienced vision loss of one half the field of vision on the same side in both eyes (Homonymous Hemianopia) for a study of investigational prism eyeglasses.


Participants in this study will wear either eyeglasses fitted with investigational prism or the standard prisms for four weeks and then swtich to the other type of eyeglasses for another 4 weeks. After that period, they may wear eyeglasses with either the investigational prisms, standard prisms or no prisms for an additional 12 months. There will be about 4 study visits that may last up to 2 hours long.

What we're hoping for

We are studying whether an investigational prism is safe and effective in increasing the field of vision in people who have experienced vision loss of one half the field of vision on the same side in both eyes (Homonymous Hemianopia).

Additional Information Identifier: NCT04827147

 Principal Investigator

Kevin  Houston, OD, MSc.

UMass Chan Medical School

 Study Contact

Michelle  Manxhari


UMass Chan University Campus

55 Lake Ave North 

Worcester,MA 01655
