Conquering Diseases

A Study Of An Investigational Device To Assist In Walking Speed In Patients Who Have Had A Stroke


Seeking men and women over 18 years of age who have had a stroke within the past 24 hours for the study of an investigational device.


We are studying the effects of the investigational device called Stride-Plus and how well it is tolerated by patients with acute stroke. This device is intended to improve walking mechanics and walking speed using sounds. Participants will participate in walking therapy sessions an walking tests over the course of three months.

What we're hoping for

Evaluate how well the investigational device is tolerated by participants and its impacts on walking mechanics, walking speed, and length of stay.

Additional Information Identifier: NCT04689256

 Principal Investigator

Brian  Silver, MD

UMass Memorial Health

 Study Contact

Tatiana  Thompson


UMass Chan University Campus

55 Lake Ave North 

Worcester,MA 01655
