Conquering Diseases

Study Of An Investigational Drug For Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis


Seeking men and women aged 18-55 for a study of an investigational drug for primary progressive multiple sclerosis.


Participants in this study will be randomly assigned to receive either the investigational drug or a placebo (looks like the drug but contains no medicine). Twice as many people will be assigned to the investigational drug than the placebo. Participants will have monthly office visits for the first 9 months of the study and then office visits every 3 months for the rest of the study.

What we're hoping for

We are studying whether the investigational drug is safe and effective in preventing disability progression for people with primary progressive multiple sclerosis.

Additional Information Identifier: NCT04458051

 Principal Investigator

Roberto  Bomprezzi, MD, PhD

UMass Chan Medical School

 Study Contact

Nimmy  Nimmy KanichaiFrancis


UMass Chan University Campus

55 Lake Ave North 

Worcester,MA 01655
