Conquering Diseases

Study Of The Use Of Statins After An Intracerebral Hemorrhage


Seeking men and women aged 50 and older who have had bleeding in the brain (brain hemorrhage) for a study comparing continuing or stopping statin drug use treatment on the risk of having another brain hemorrhage.


We are comparing the risk of another brain hemorrhage among participants randomly assigned to either continue or discontinue the statin drugs they were taking when they had their first brain hemorrhage. Everyone will receive the same standard medical care of close monitoring and treatment of high blood pressure. Blood samples from participants will also be analyzed to see if there is a genetic difference that increases the risk of brain hemorrhage in people who take statin drugs.

What we're hoping for

Study if it is better to continue or discontinue statin drug use in people who had a brain hemorrhage while taking a statin drug and whether there are any differences among people that may make increase the risk of another brain hemorrhage.

Additional Information Identifier: NCT03936361

 Principal Investigator

Majaz  Moonis, MD

UMass Memorial Health

 Study Contact

Meaghan  Demers-Peel


UMass Chan University Campus

55 Lake Ave North 

Worcester,MA 01655
