Conquering Diseases

Macular Degeneration And Other Related Ocular Disorders


Children and adults who either have macular degeneration or are closely related to someone who has macular degeneration are sought for a study of macular degeneration and other related ocular disorders to prevent visual loss and blindness for current and future generations


We are studying what might cause macular degeneration and related eye disorders or why these disorders might progress. We will look at differences in biology, including genes, and environmental exposures, like smoking and diet, by collecting blood samples, lifestyle questionnaires, and eye images from volunteers.

What we're hoping for

We hope to better identify risk factors for macular degeneration and other ocular disorders and how to prevent these disorders from progressing.

Additional Information Identifier: Not Available

 Principal Investigator

Johanna  Seddon, MD

UMass Chan Medical School

 Study Contact

Rebeccah  Sonn



UMMH Hahnemann Campus

281 Lincoln St 

Worcester,MA 01605
